Adabas/Natural Consultants Directory Advertising Rates

Common Features and Benefits is the only Adabas and Natural Consultants directory. We have hundreds of companies visiting our site every month looking for firms to help develop, maintain and administer their Software AG environments. If you are an expert in Adabas and/or Natural or other Software AG products such as Predict, Natural Construct, Natural Security, Natural Engineer, SPOD or Natural Business Services, we encourage you to sign up for a listing in this important directory.
Our Adabas/Natural consultants directory is well-positioned in all major search engines. For most common searches, like Adabas Natural Consultant, our directory is generally in first place.
Here are just a few of the benefits your firm will receive by being in this Adabas/Natural Consultants Directory.
  • Your listing includes a link to your firm's web site
  • An email link to allow potential clients to send a confidential email directly to your firm
  • Up to 50-character "Tag Line" (bold text at the bottom of your listing)
  • Statistics tracking and reporting
  • Searchable by region
  • Very high search engine placement for Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.

Featured Adabas/Natural Consultants Listings

Our featured Adabas/Natural consultants listings are shown in blue at the top of the home page as well as at the top of the region-specific pages. Featured Adabas Natural Consultants Listing
  • All featured Adabas/Natural Consultants are shown prominently at the top of the home page and the region-specific pages
  • Featured listings show the country and firm type at the top of each listing
  • Featured Adabas/Natural Consulting firms are shown first amongst the Enhanced Listings on the country-specific directory tab
  • We enforce a cap of 16 Featured listings to preserve the status of these listings
Featured listings are $399/Year.

Enhanced Adabas/Natural Consultants Listings

Enhanced Adabas Natural Consultants Listing
Enhanced Listings are shown in yellow on the home page as well as on the region-specific pages.
Enhanced listings are just $199/Year.

InfoBox Advertisements - from $49/year

Complement your Featured or Enhanced Listing with an InfoBox Advertisement containing additional information about your services. Hover your cursor over the following image to see an example of a popup infobox: predict
The "information" icon near the top of your Enhanced Listing indicates that the user can obtain further information about your firm by hovering over the icon and displaying the InfoBox Advertisement.
InfoBox Advertisement Pricing
  • Minimum Size: 190 x 200 pixels = $49/year
  • Medium Size: 390 x 400 pixels = $89/year
  • Maximum Size: 590 x 600 pixels = $129/year
  • Standard ads are text-based
  • Add an image to your Information Box Advertisement: the Standard Pricing is doubled.

Other Adabas/Natural Consultants Listings

In order to be shown in our White Pages, there is a one-time fee of $99.